
A pdf version of the full list of publications can be downloaded here: list of publications.


  1. Exploring parameter dependence of atomic minima with implicit differentiation
    Ivan Maliyov, Petr Grigorev, and Thomas D. Swinburne
    npj Computational Materials 11 p. 22 (Jan 2025)


  1. Large-scale atomistic simulation of diffusion in refractory metals and alloys
    Sergei StarikovPetr Grigorev, Ralf Drautz, and Sergiy V Divinski
    Phys. Rev. Mater. 8 p. 43603 (Apr 2024)
  2. matscipy: materials science at the atomic scale with Python
    Petr Grigorev, Lucas Frérot, Fraser Birks, Adrien Gola, Jacek Golebiowski, Jan Grießer, Johannes L. Hörmann, Andreas Klemenz, Gianpietro Moras, Wolfram G. Nöhring, Jonas A. Oldenstaedt, Punit Patel, Thomas Reichenbach, Thomas Rocke, Lakshmi Shenoy, Michael Walter, Simon Wengert, Lei Zhang, James R. Kermode, and Lars Pastewka
    Journal of Open Source Software 9 p. 5668 (Jan 2024)
  3. Angular-dependent interatomic potential for large-scale atomistic simulation of W-Mo-Nb ternary alloys
    Sergei StarikovPetr Grigorev, and Pär A.T. Olsson
    Computational Materials Science 233 p. 112734 (Jan 2024)


  1. Nanoindentation of tungsten: From interatomic potentials to dislocation plasticity mechanisms
    F. J. Domínguez-GutiérrezP. Grigorev, A. Naghdi, J. Byggmästar, G. Y. Wei, T. D. Swinburne, S. Papanikolaou, and M. J. Alava
    Physical Review Materials 7 p. 043603 (Apr 2023)
  2. Calculation of dislocation binding to helium-vacancy defects in tungsten using hybrid ab initio-machine learning methods
    Petr Grigorev, Alexandra M. Goryaeva, Mihai-Cosmin Marinica, James R. Kermode, and Thomas D. Swinburne
    Acta Materialia 247 p. 118734 (Feb 2023)


  1. Optically Triggered Néel Vector Manipulation of a Metallic Antiferromagnet Mn2Au under Strain
    Vladimir Grigorev, Mariia Filianina, Yaryna Lytvynenko, Sergei Sobolev, Amrit Raj Pokharel, Amon P. Lanz, Alexey Sapozhnik, Armin Kleibert, Stanislav Bodnar, Petr Grigorev, Yurii Skourski, Mathias Kläui, Hans-Joachim Elmers, Martin Jourdan, and Jure Demsar
    ACS Nano 16 p. 20589-20597 (Nov 2022)


  1. Efficient and transferable machine learning potentials for the simulation of crystal defects in bcc Fe and W
    Alexandra M. Goryaeva, Julien Dérès, Clovis Lapointe, Petr GrigorevThomas D. SwinburneJames R. KermodeLisa Ventelon, Jacopo Baima, and Mihai-Cosmin Marinica
    Phys. Rev. Materials 5 p. 103803 (Oct 2021)


  1. Hybrid quantum/classical study of hydrogen-decorated screw dislocations in tungsten: Ultrafast pipe diffusion, core reconstruction, and effects on glide mechanism
    Petr GrigorevThomas D. Swinburne, and James R. Kermode
    Phys. Rev. Materials 4 p. 023601 (Feb 2020)


  1. Molecular dynamics simulation of hydrogen and helium trapping in tungsten
    Petr Grigorev, Aleksandr Zinovev, Dmitry Terentyev, Giovanni Bonny, Evgeny E. Zhurkin, Guido Van Oost, and Jean-Marie Noterdaeme
    Journal of Nuclear Materials 508 p. 451-458 (May 2018)


  1. PhD Thesis
    Assessment of retention of plasma components in tungsten under high flux plasma exposure: multi-scale modelling approach
    Petr Grigorev
    PhD Thesis Ghent University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture/Universidad Complutnese de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas (Apr 2017)
  2. Trapping of hydrogen and helium at dislocations in tungsten: an ab-initio study
    A. Bakaev, P. Grigorev, D. Terentyev, A. Bakaeva, E.E. Zhurkin, and Yu. A. Mastrikov
    Nuclear Fusion 57 p. 126040 (Oct 2017)
  3. Interaction of hydrogen and helium with nanometric dislocation loops in tungsten assessed by atomistic calculations
    Petr Grigorev, Alexander Bakaev, Dmitry Terentyev, Guido Van Oost, Jean-Marie Noterdaeme, and Evgeny E. Zhurkin
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 393 p. 164 - 168 (Feb 2017)


  1. Modelling deuterium release from tungsten after high flux high temperature deuterium plasma exposure
    Petr Grigorev, Dmitry Matveev, Anastasiia Bakaeva, Dmitry Terentyev, Evgeny E. Zhurkin, Guido Van Oost, and Jean-Marie Noterdaeme
    Journal of Nuclear Materials 481 p. 181-189 (Dec 2016)
  2. Dislocation-mediated trapping of deuterium in tungsten under high-flux high-temperature exposures
    A. Bakaeva, D. Terentyev, G. De Temmerman, K. Lambrinou, T.W. Morgan, A. Dubinko, P. Grigorev, K. Verbeken, and J.M. Noterdaeme
    Journal of Nuclear Materials 479 p. 307-315 (Oct 2016)
  3. Mobility of hydrogen-helium clusters in tungsten studied by molecular dynamics
    Petr Grigorev, Dmitry Terentyev, Giovanni Bonny, Evgeny E. Zhurkin, Guido Oost, and Jean-Marie Noterdaeme
    Journal of Nuclear Materials 474 p. 143-149 (Jun 2016)
  4. Numerical analysis of TDS spectra under high and low flux plasma exposure conditions
    Petr Grigorev, Luxherta Buzi, Anastasia Bakaeva, Dmitry Terentyev, Gregory De Temmerman, Guido Van Oost, and Jean-Marie Noterdaeme
    Physica Scripta 2016 p. 014039 (Jan 2016)


  1. Interaction of hydrogen with dislocations in tungsten: An atomistic study
    Petr Grigorev, Dmitry Terentyev, Giovanni Bonny, Evgeny E. Zhurkin, Guido Van Oost, and Jean-Marie Noterdaeme
    Journal of Nuclear Materials 465 p. 364-372 (Oct 2015)
  2. Nucleation and growth of hydrogen bubbles on dislocations in tungsten under high flux low energy plasma exposure
    Petr Grigorev, Dmitry Terentyev, Vladimir Dubinko, Giovanni Bonny, Guido Van Oost, Jean-Marie Noterdaeme, and Evgeny E. Zhurkin
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 352 p. 96-99 (Jun 2015)


  1. On the binding of nanometric hydrogen–helium clusters in tungsten
    G. Bonny, P. Grigorev, and D. Terentyev
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26 p. 485001 (Oct 2014)
  2. Dislocation mechanism of deuterium retention in tungsten under plasma implantation
    V. I. Dubinko, P. Grigorev, A. Bakaev, D. Terentyev, G. Oost, F. Gao, D. Van Neck, and E. E. Zhurkin
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26 p. 395001 (Aug 2014)
  3. Many-body central force potentials for tungsten
    G. Bonny, D. Terentyev, A. Bakaev, P. Grigorev, and D Van Neck
    Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 22 p. 053001 (Jun 2014)
  4. Dislocations mediate hydrogen retention in tungsten
    D. Terentyev, V. Dubinko, A. Bakaev, Y. Zayachuk, W. Van Renterghem, and P. Grigorev
    Nuclear Fusion 54 p. 042004 (Mar 2014)


  1. Transfer of molecular dynamics data to dislocation dynamics to assess dislocation–dislocation loop interaction in iron
    D. Terentyev, G. Monnet, and P. Grigorev
    Scripta Materialia 69 p. 578-581 (Oct 2013)
  2. Sputtering of Al nanoclusters by 1–13 keV monatomic or polyatomic ions studied by Molecular Dynamics simulations
    Evgeny E. Zhurkin, and Petr Yu Grigorev
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 303 p. 136-141 (May 2013)
  3. Simulation of the sputtering of Si nanoclusters with diameters of (2–8) nm under bombardment with monatomic and cluster ions using the method of classical molecular dynamics
    P. Grigorev, and E. E. Zhurkin
    Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques 7 p. 201–210 (Mar 2013)